Accelerate Church Livestream
At Accelerate Church we like to Livestream every Sunday Stream. This helps us to reach those who could otherwise not make it to Church. In addition, it helps keep the greater Ministry up-to-date with what we do.
It'd be great if you could join us at Church, but we understand sometimes it's hard to. We would love you to share the Livestream around with those in need. Even just for people to see what's up!
The services are streamed to our Facebook Page. If you watch us live there, you can join in the conversation with all the other live viewers and commenters.
Don't forget you can also watch past broadcasts. This is great if you were particularly touched or blessed by a message, or if you want to share it with your friends and family.
Remember, nothing beats worshipping God and fellowshipping with like-minded Christians in His House. So come on down to 8-12 Business Drive, Narangba.